Play Production
The Lion’s Den 2008
Clement Zablocki Veteran’s Medical Center, Milwaukee WI
Funded with a Puffin Foundation Grant

DVD of performance archived at Wisconsin Veteran’s Museum Madison WI
Staged Reading: POW! National POW/MIA Remembrance Day Ceremony Rockford, IL PEC Playhouse acting troupe 2015
Reading: The Lion’s Den Hartbeat Ensemble Hartford, CT 2015
Reading: Geraldine Vortex Theatre, New York, NY 2009
Staged Reading: The Lion’s Den (10-min version) Great Plains Theatre Conference, Omaha NE 2006
Staged Reading: Four Corners, Six Sides Chicago Dramatist’s Saturday Series Chicago, IL 2004
Awards and Mentions
Hartbeat Ensemble Competition for Mental Health Monthly Series: The Lion’s Den 2015
Puffin Grant winner: The Lion’s Den 2006
Chicago Dramatist’s Saturday Series: Four Corners Six Sides 2004
“another guide to the perplexed” Hidden River Arts Playwriting Competition 2018
On These Virgins, Soiled (full-length) NuVoices Emerging Playwright’s Competition 2014
Collateral Needs Tending (formerly titled Inside Out) (full length) Firehouse New American Player’s Festival 2011
Eshon Ayin (A Little Man In The Eye) (full-length) Princess Grace Playwriting Awards 2008
A Meeting In Marburg (full-length) Mildred and Alfred Panowski Playwriting Competition 2003
Agape (one-act, long-listed) Sky Blue British Theatre Competition 2017
THISCLOSE (10-minute play) Lake Shore Players 2007
Play and Monologue Publication/DVD
POW (a 10 minute play) VietNow (online and print April 2015)
Tumbling Through (excerpts from full-length play) Verse Wisconsin (online edition Vol. 112, 2013)
“Geraldine” Stage This! Monologues and Short Plays Vol. 3 (FN Productions 2009)

“What I Sold To Make The Holidays Bright” Mothers and Daughters (Intl. Centre for Women Playwrights 2009)
The Lion’s Den DVD copy archived at the Wisconsin Veteran’s Museum, Madison, WI. (2008)
“Four Corners, Six Sides” Crawdad 2006
MISC: Member of the Dramatist’s Guild (ongoing)